Bishop Nathaniel Jarrett, Jr. (Retired)

Personal Information

Born: May 9, 1937

Married: Mrs. Estella R. Jarrett

Children: Three children and one grandchild

Education & Honors
Bishop Jarrett is a graduate of Wayne State University with B.S. & M. Ed degrees. He also earned the Master’s of Divinity degree from Yale Divinity School and the Doctor of Ministry degree from the Chicago Theological Seminary.

His pastorates include; Martin Temple AME Zion Church – Chicago, IL; Assistant pastor, St. Paul AME Zion Church – Detroit, MI; Workman Memorial AME Zion Church – Torrington, CT and Clinton AME Zion Church – Ansonia, CT. Bishop Jarrett was elected the 90th bishop of the AME Zion Church at the 45th General Conference.

Bishop Jarrett has served the AME Zion Church as a member of the Judicial Council; Director of Youth Ministries of the Christian Education Department; delegate to the General Conference; member of the Christian Education Board, Home and Church Division; delegate to the World Council of Churches; member of the Commission on Pan Methodist Cooperation, Pan Methodist Study Commission, and Faith and Order Commission of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA.

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